Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the Road....#27

When he walks in the woods he “ambles”, implying a slow and leisurely gate. But they were in a Jeep of sorts, actually a Chevy, no matter. Point is, they were ambling up this gradual slope, along a trail lined with pines. Each time they came to a fork in the trail they would alternate between the left fork or the right. They were moving at less than five miles an hour (an art to keep steady) , listening to tunes, hanging out the window for views of the mountains and sky, popping tops for refreshment, and enjoying all aspects of hiking, without the boot tread wear.

This is British Columbia. And it took a while to like it, too much Limey influence in the “Pubs” for their liking. But the wilderness- that was plentiful, and awesome. They spent the better part of the day just getting them as lost as possible in this sign less land. Eventually though they stumbled on gold, perfect in every way.

The river was loud and though they could not yet see it, they knew the Lillooet would be grand. Hiking back now on feet for the first time all day, they found the source of the commotion, a large frothy river, bordered by rocks the size of cars. It did not take them long, though the sounds prohibited vocal communication, to discover steam streaming up from between the rocks. Further inspection proved splendid indeed- hot spring pools for soaking. Aaahhhhh!

Like L & C upon discovering the Columbia, they rejoiced, and camped for a few days. In the evening soak they propped candles along the rocks, looked up at the moon filled sky, and listened to the roar of the river, just a few feet away. The two brother's would have stayed longer but they grew weary of seeing each others naked body, and vowed to return someday with an alternative gender.

Very little talking, very Zen.

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