Monday, September 28, 2009


Anticipate. Making an attempt to live more fully in the moment seems to provide a greater ability to anticipate future actions.

This, he’s thinking, would not fall into the category of expectations, but rather say, anticipating that the next wet rock in the stream may have a slippery coating of moss, and with our anticipation we can avert a wet spill by our adjustment.

Seldom are moments more pleasing than those times when we can anticipate and chose our actions accordingly, stepping into the next moment more gracefully, and often with outcomes more in alignment with ….er…..the intention of the moment. By intention, it is meant to describe the natural flow of the living world around us.

We clearly have a role to play. It should not be assumed that we should simply “accept the moment.” He is thinking this as he watches squirrels fighting over the acorns, and deer pawing in the lawn to dig out the grub below the surface. Does the grub not have a destiny? Well of course, the natural order is unfolding as it must, you must be thinking. And you are correct.

However it is no different with our species. We have the uncanny ability to see events unfolding and to step in and divert pain and suffering in others, help others sidestep hardship, and steer joy. This seems to be most obvious when you are paying attention to the movements around as opposed to concentrating on your own needs.

It is understood that with your own needs ripe and vulnerable, it is useless to expect to be engaged enough in the world to really be able to “see” clearly. By either reducing your needs or stepping up your concentration level can bring you to the point where calm, competent, and anticipating clarity can emerge within.

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