Friday, November 6, 2009

Wood and nuts.....

There seems to be this obvious dilemma brewing in our society as of late. If we cannot support the overconsumption of throwaway products, and consensus of most agree that debt most be reduced, how then will this lack of purchasing effect the economy as a whole. Said another way, how will we recover if we cannot spend, as seemingly the economy has been supported or propped up for years by the no-limits consumer.

Seriously. Are stores going to close, companies fail? Are only the ones that offer quality products, that fulfill real needs, going to be the lone survivors? Will people pass up buying the new chain saw, and welcome the use and assistance of a neighbor? Will he then help that neighbor sealcoat his driveway in return? Yes.

The possessions we own that predate the plastic replacements from China will become more valuable as we are reluctant to buy new ones. We will care for them and maintain them more attentively, now knowing the costs and reduced value in tossing them to the growing landfill.

Perhaps you have not noticed. Many are in denial. Yet the structure of our society is changing right before our eyes. We are so fortunate to be able to witness now, what will be so commonplace in ten years. Look around. Pay attention.

By the way, do you have a chain saw that works? Winters coming and it is time to gather wood and nuts.

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