A thin border divides two lands. And regardless of who land it was, and who claims it now, for right or for wrong, this fence line divides two peoples from wants, needs, and in his particular case, a cold beer.
In Columbus, NM one only has to walk into the great state of Chihuahua and stumble in any number of cantinas in the sleepy dusty town of Palomas (75 miles or so west of El Paso). He has read about all the violence from the drug cartels in the other border towns, and he was not without some reservations as he began to amble down the streets gaining some perspective.
And certainly his perspective can quickly be altered by the source of all assured positve perspectives....the blue aqave plant = tequilla.
But once again, as has happened so many times while south of the border, the sun was bright and warm, the people were smiling and welcoming, and the feeling was laid back. Once again he proved to himself that he belongs in these streets, getting lost, and trusting in the gringo-less life of our darker skinned neighbors.
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