Monday, June 14, 2010

Another day.....

They walk.  They don't run.  They walk.  They don't drive or take a bus. Of course we all know the growl of early morning hunger.  You climb off the mattress, slip on your shoes and start walking down the street. And along the way you notice your neighbors walking also.  No one speaks.  No one smiles.  You are hungry and so are your children. 

So you keep walking block by block to the location that hands out the generosity in bags of food.  You are long past pride and wide with need.  You don't look directly into the eyes of giver, yet you acknowledge them for helping you eat just one more day.

Walking home you carry the bag and carry the scarlet letter P on your forehead, but no one really notices, or cares.  Each for himself.  Another day.

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