Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Open to us all.....fear not.

Now that border feels like the deep end of the pool to a child. The edge reminds him of the dark and murky waters just beyond the place where the waves flatten. Somewhat forbidden based on the perspective of the individual.

The lands and colored skins south of the border have for so long been a place of refuge from his suburban nightmare. A place where he could reveal, if only to himself, the other sides of his personality that require airing from time to time.

Feeling safe is a reflection of your faith in humankind. The depletion of this necessary component of travel strikes deeply into the core of our existence, making suspicion and doubt the guide, and care and compassion left in the no-go pile beside the backpack.

All of this, vibrating throughout our psychology, is evident in the urban core of our cities; the human-less policies and laws supported by the mass of the fearful, and cause us all to become simply accidental tourists, lacking intention and purpose.

If all of this drug crime did not mesh with a bad economy, we may find it the new order of things to take tourist buses and remain locked in to all inclusive resorts. Fear does that. As it is, most have real excuses to avoid travel, like lack of available discretionary income (love that term….discretionary income….as if the rest of the earned income is so mortgaged that we are left with no choice as to where it must go) and therefore prefer to stay in predictable environments that cost little or nothing at all, except to deny us the soulful experience we need.

Please feel free to e-mail a comment to chasingthecenterline@gmail.com