Friday, February 20, 2009

Journey thru the past.....

When the winter rains

come pourin' down

on that new home of mine,

Will you think of me

and wonder if I'm fine?

Will your restless heart

come back to mine

on a journey thru the past.

Will I still be in your eyes

and on your mind?....
N. Young

As much as things will become noticeably different in the days and years ahead, some things will become increasingly entrenched. They may say “can you believe another Circuit Silly has gone bankrupt and closed its doors.” They will stare in disbelief at the vacancies. He sees what others of a similar disposition have taken notice of for a long time. Besides all this current disruption of the economic machine that is flamed by the last available head talking, is a return to real American roots, like PBR. Yes you laugh, but he has seen the excitement folks exhibit when they encounter a simple tavern that still serves em’ like it was 1950. So many places on the back roads of rural counties and main streets of small towns that have refused to give in to all the hype our culture has embraced since just north of Viet Nam. He and his brothers have been enjoying a short tap and cheap shot all the while. Some things endure. The community tavern will survive surprisingly longer then the nearest brass and fern joint. So dust off those old placards outside and warm up a tombstone, cause the rest of Americans will be stopping in soon. And what will we find there? Well, apart from the small remote joints scattered about, we will find rural folks trying to keep up. Televisions will be found on every wall spewing loudly the advertisements of the companies that won, and added the spoils of logos to their new names. But then someone, possibly himself, will stand up on the swivel stool and shout out loudly and probably indecipherably to turn all the noise off so we can all talk with one another. And we will instinctively remember what that means.