It has been suggested by Eckhart Tolle that our primary purpose in life is what we are doing right at this moment. This implies that we live as consciously as possible in this present moment. All other concerns or future actions are secondary purposes until we are presently experiencing them, then they become our primary purpose. For example Tolle describes the action of walking across a room to get a book off a table. Our primary purpose is walking across the room. Getting to the book is secondary. Then upon reaching the book that becomes our pri…oh come on! This is too basic. But wait….now it makes me think of a morning in a small city in Mx. When I awoke, I immediately had a need for black coffee. My choices the night before had left me in this condition. Stepping out into the bustling early morning I first noticed that the locals were stirring and getting the motion of their day into slow but steady movement. Each little stand or business when queried in even our best second language attempt proved futile. No one had any coffee. This lack of business initiative in a country that claims coffee as a significant export confused me. The locals do not drink it and this is no tourist stop. Our blurred mindset was also bombarded with distractions. Look at that, look at this, let’s go to the cathedral. I yelled out ahead to my older brother “what is your hurry.” He turned around suddenly and said “your primary objective (.ie.purpose) is to get a cup of coffee, and that is the only thing I am concentrating on.” A short time later as we sipped our hot joe at a road stand I absorbed the magic in his process.