Friday, October 30, 2009

On the edge......

A recent beer commercial shows friends in boats dropping rocks into the ocean continually in the same place, and to our surprise, they create an island on which to have their remote island party.

The idea of creating more land on this planet is of course unrealistic. They have tried to do this recently in the wealthy Mideast country of Dubai. This though also makes about as much sense as the illusion created by the beer advertisers. The reality, as we all know, is that there is a fixed amount, and even that is diminishing due to erosion, coupled with a future of rising coastal waters as a result of the evolving climate change.

When you stand on the coast at the western edge of the continent, you can be overwhelmed by the thought of all that you know is behind you, and the unknown limitless nature of the big water in front view. Your single being, without all the supportive landscape in sight, takes on a surreal sense of nothingness. The wind whips, and the salt air beckons, and the only thing keeping you grounded is the voice in your mind, convincing you that you matter.

Of course you do matter, at least to the framework you built around yourself since you emerged from water. The course of natural history may not have noticed you much, however when you defiantly occupy a piece of turf, accepting your limited influence, but beaming in the essential microbic and karmic inevitabilities, you are alive.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Turn back the clock......

As much as he has tried, there is no going backwards. And why should he want to? Over there standing alone, quietly in the corner, is a life full of exploration, perspiration, and gentle skeletons. He recognizes intellectually that there is only what is ahead that should concern him, he nevertheless finds himself two steps south for every one stretching ahead. Or so it seems.

Reasons are simple and clear. As we age, our bodies begin to question the future mileage, our pocketbooks squirm for air, and all the while we are aware that moving about on the globe is becoming more complicated. Oh come now, stiffen your sail son!

There exists an understanding that runs deep in all humans. This clarity surfaces when we see others attempting to engage with life in a meaningful way. We all know, psychically and soulfully, that it is a good thing to challenge yourself and embrace the desire to move forward. Like an infant’s first crawl, away from that spot they have been stuck to, and toward what thus far has been out of reach.

In the same way that the first steps to the next room stir the spirit of the child, our exploration only needs to be as far as we are willing to see. Often this comes from a book, a film, or a walk through a new forest. Exotic tales of travel bore the rest of us. You are much more likely to grab our attention sharing an experience combing through the remnants of an abandoned farmhouse, then stills of you on the steps of the Cathedral of Notre’ Dame de Paris.

Open yourself up, listen up, and share with each other. This is the way forward. This will also return us to the splendid nuances of human existence.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Under the masks.......

The truth is becoming apparent now that we look back. Think of the super batch of suburban boomers, wearing the acceptable masks of compliance, conformity, convention, and success. It’s what was looked for when you pulled up at your child’s friend’s home to pick up for a movie. It was the “badge” worn by driving the shiny new SUV and dressing well. The “successful” seal of approval from neighbors, bankers, and little league coaches.

OK, we understand that, now what? Well the “what” is beginning to resonate around this land as we are noticing that not everyone looks the same these days. The cars are looking as if we kept the clunker despite the cash, and the clothes have a more diverse mix that does not reveal quite so quickly as to the profession of the wearer. Suburbs are starting resemble the mix of the city. We just can’t pigeon hole like we used to, and the beneficiaries are all around us.

Why would people benefit from all this extra effort involved in decoding the social status of the individual standing before us? Because as you are determined to “mentally google” out the value of this random human, you are compelled to look deeper than the past symbols to satiate your curious nature. You will speak to them.

And through their eyes and words you will find your answer. They are just another son or daughter of another mother that is seeking the same as you. This was driven to his attention recently as he met a poor and destitute man, living on the low, trying to meet vary basic needs. After enough time to see between the lines, he thought, and with boredom seeping in, he started asking more penetrating questions, in a selfish attempt to entertain himself. He was awed to hear of his earlier life as a professional dancer in New York, and as a deep sea diver for a sea recovery team.

Knowing when to ask a question and how to respectfully listen to the answer is a lost but natural human skill. It surfaces when we get outside ourselves and engage one another with limited purpose or agenda. Just for the sake of looking under the mask and accepting what we find there.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Time alone......

Silence. Most of us crave it. Some more than the rest. He searches it out from time to time. This entails not only lack of sounds and distractions, but also the contemplative and reflection that accompany time alone.

Those rare moments when no one is either giving you permission to be and think for yourself, or casting non-verbal judgment on your space. Like seeing a movie alone and walking out without having to form an opinion quickly for your companion, but rather the purity of absorbing the messages into yourself to simply add to your understanding of this planet and its inhabitants.

We cast our views for one of two reasons. Either we intend to define ourselves more clearly, or we truly desire to share our thoughts and opinions with those around us. Both objectives make sense, but the latter has real personal value. If we are able to share without judgment, then we have entered into a world of true companionship. This world is very freeing. Our true nature surfaces most notably when we are alone, yet is increasingly nourished and supported by those we include.

He is reminded of the day his father entered a nursing home and never left. With no physical ailments, he was incarcerated due to a mental dysfunction that otherwise would make his safety and that of others at risk. Or so we were told. More to point, he was given the entry level doses of psychotropic- a drug to make him more manageable. He never spoke coherently again.

On a good note, it could be argued that he no longer had to explain himself. He had a respected reputation as a thinker and doer, and now this circumstance would give him the time to really do some creative thinking. But like Chris McCandless discovered toward the end of his odyssey in Alaska, as described in Krakauers book, “into the Wild”, a life most valued is a life that is shared with others. Alive, contemplative, and reflective yes…..but not alone........hmmm........ then again?

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Small town wonders......

Over the last several decades one thing can be agreed upon, the human interaction gap has spanned, and the search for meaningful connection with one another is stretching to fill the void.

He remembers years ago when his brother had neighbors that came over unannounced too often to drink beer on the porch. Too often was replaced with the loss of those friends and the reflection of days and times gone away. For a long time now we have been living further apart physically and more important; emotionally. That may be changing, and as the plethora of individual resources diminish, the collective approach is looking more appealing.

In a small town in Iowa the last few days underscored this thought. A free guest pass at the old crumbling YMCA provided the backdrop for conversations in the sauna with the elders of the town. “Things eventually will return to the basics” the ex-mayor offered. “In what way” he queried. “Folks are remembering why we all live close by in a town, why we even have an economy, to pool our efforts together for the benefit of all the people” he replied. Another gentleman spoke up, “we rural folks have always used terms like cooperative, collective, and sustainable, to describe how we do things.”

Later, at the Whistle Stop CafĂ©, over cups of steaming hot coffee, conversations continued over similar lines. “We had green roofs many years ago in South Dakota, just made sense to insulate with natural materials back then” exclaimed on farmer when asked about alternatives to filling landfills with petroleum-based materials. The fella on the last stool chimed in, “Heck, we had water cisterns (equivalent of rain barrels) a long time ago to capture the rain water and reuse it, stead of wasting it.”

One thing they all agreed upon was the sense of reliance they have with one another. “No one will starve in this town, I guarantee ya” an older but stout woman stated proudly. And pride did seem to be the fundamental emotion running through them all. The fact that city folks are starting to gravitate toward more cooperative living only underscores the fact that nothing here is foreign to us. Humans have known how to get along and survive for a long time. Many of us just need to remember.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

This land.......

On the road today out to central Iowa. He is planning on connecting up in a meaningful way with a potential new client. And to do so he needs to log some miles chasing that stripe and hoping it leads to a few nuggets of gold, or even just a rainbow. There is something relaxing and revealing about this land we live on, this soil we share.

The Midwest in autumn is a rich time. Not a time of renewal as is saved for the Spring turnover, but equally important as a time of relief. Another chance to pull back and stop maintaining the mechanics of our lives, and simply winterize it all and hunker down for the north winds and eventual blowing snows.

Still time though for the hounds to roam the fields, kicking up a bird or two, in the frosty morning sun. These cooler days deserve much appreciation. This day makes him think of and keep singing that great Woody Guthrie battle song....that's right....."This land" is a cry out for our equal enjoyment of the heritage passed on to all of us....and owned by no one.

Read Woodys em'

As I was walking a ribbon of highway
I saw above me an endless skyway
I saw below me a golden valley
This land was made for you and me

I've roamed and rambled and I've followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me

The sun comes shining as I was strolling
The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling
The fog was lifting a voice come chanting
This land was made for you and me

As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there
And that sign said - no tress passin'
But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!

In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office - I see my people
And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me

words by Woody Guthrie

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Once the sun rests......

In many urban areas in this country and abroad, once the sun rests, and darkness grips the street, a common trespasser lurks. Trespassing on the peace of mind of all those who enjoy an evening stroll.

One of the best opportunities to study a city or town is at night. These quieter moments, away from the daytime pulsation, offer the rare glimpses into the architectural alignment, the local culture permeating its storefronts, and gather perspective from the quiet parks and vistas. This can be robbed though by the trespassers.

This theft occurs most often in larger urban cities due to the desperation of unmet needs of too many of its residents. What is easily ignored during the daylight hours becomes bold and empowered while wrapped in the darkness. Street crime becomes the method to extract the serum for life from those that have to those that need.

However, he has noticed along the way that rural towns and villages, seemingly cut off from the raw nerves of the populations of great density, recognize need and take steps to fill the gaps, often allowing all their residents to sleep soundly at night. In these areas, where our attention is less likely to be diverted or distracted, we care.

Once we offer a hand, create options, and respect each of us regardless of one momentary circumstance, the evening stroll will return. Fear not.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good, luck, and evil?

It all depends on the lagging karma or forthcoming spirit you bring to each moment of travel. As much as the world is steeped in goodness, it harbors nearly as much evil.

By goodness he intends to imply those deeds and experiences by life loving folks with an agenda that begins and ends with the common good of all of us. And by evil he rejects consideration of some sinister underworld (though certainly real) and rather employs caution to the deeply self serving component of the species with little or no consciousness for others.

As we walk the streets and into the minds and hearts of our fellow humans we are reminded and encouraged to welcome it all, with little or no resistance, until, and only when our reasoning takes over and our survival requires flight. The purpose of this attempt is clear; any reluctance to engage our circumstances actually increase the negative energy around us, making us more vulnerable.

Fear is the main culprit. Fear of losing our money, safety, or sanity come to mind. Fear is to a certain extent natural, but to a greater extent it can be contrived. The cultural nuances, stories from other travelers, past experiences, all converge and conspire to rob you of the experience you deserve. One must be willing to listen to the gut (intuition) and overwhelm the fear with persistence and good spirit. This boundless spirit often deflects and neutralizes those with ill-wishes, causing them to steer clear as a result of their own fear. Fear of the living human spirit.

These unknown and random experiences can cause an unusual sense of euphoria. You may find yourself buying beers for your fellow companions. You may discover that you can sing. But with little doubt you will feel the goodness weaving its way through all of us. Our common language.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Taken for a ride.....

Should we be taking this more seriously? Or perhaps then again we may be overly obsessive with it all. The “on-balance” theory would suggest some level of interest that inspires further review and encourages conversation, but stays south of forcing any issue.

“What you say?” The flow of information bombarding us for attention and providing just enough information of questionable reliability to spur the rumors and drive the ad-filled blogs to more clicks and views.

Take the family out in Colorado now accused of creating hysteria with their balloon chase and missing child. After the hoax became unraveled, we all looked for payback. We have been taken for a media ride of at least a week, and become distracted by a couple just trying to get their piece of the pie. How dare they act out? What gives them the right to step out of the drone line and behave much like Wall Street brokers, bankers, high paid athletes, celebrities, and the rest of the takers that fill our insatiable need for news of sorts each day?

While we all rant about how they should pay back the tax coffers, the ones who fill those coffers are blowing it right past our faces. We have been duped. Then again, if we don’t take it so seriously what happens? It continues. We are now in a strange time, one that requires us to avoid becoming overly consumed by it all, and at the same time trying to be actively engaged in our world.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Looking back to get ahead......

He rode the rails southeast to the city and scuffled along with the other snails through the wind and rain falling from the sky and precipices above. Waiting for a meeting he sat sipping tea and drying out, while watching his fellow humans’ parade by the window. The pure density of humanity, all seeking their destination and serving the consumer gods, are a feast for the amateur social scientist in all of us.

How did it turn out like this? A mere 100 years ago the majority of us lived rural lives of self preservation. We have evolved if you will, into a herd that chases the available dollars, and tucks them away to spend on the things they tell us we need. What a strange evolution. To move from understanding our basic needs and focusing on attaining them for our families so as to spend our free time with folks whose needs and means were so similar, only to become one of the endless who stare into their handheld devices hoping to feel connected, or cared about. What happened?

When these concerns are deliberated it becomes so obvious that it cannot be reversed, or even stopped. The wheel is so big, and wired so well, filtering the vast majority of the wealth to so few, and leaving in its wake the evaporation of an American dream.

Whoa now you say! Let’s not become so gloomy. It’s true; there is more than hope for change. There is an incredible sense of consciousness growing among us. This emergence could not come at a more opportune moment. The sense of service and community is returning. This as you know is becoming a reality. The movement away from materialism and back to community (i.e. family, neighbor, colleague, teammate, teacher, student, boss, and employee) will be the saving of America. Overly optimistic you say now? Do not underestimate the power of ingenuity when driven by a cause beyond simply individual wealth. Think of a new hybrid form of capitalism.

As we evaluate our needs and realign our overly stuffed wants, those that make and bake for us will evolve as well. The large makers and bakers will become smaller and more localized. They will gravitate by the laws of economics to what makes sense and cents.

And to think that this was kick started back on a September day years ago by radicals outside our boundaries who described us as fat, lazy, and out of touch with the spiritual world. And then was beamed into our minds and hearts by the human greed that exposed the fragility of our economic system.

We are still trudging along the rain drenched city streets like ants in trench coats and hats for now, but there is a change brewing, and everybody knows it, and the makers and bakers fear it, and resist it. For now.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A rippling effect.....

That last post makes him think of the words of the song playing during the intro to Midnight Cowboy......

"everybodies talkin at me...I can't hear a word their sayin'.....only the echos of my mind".....

No.... it's not that this is a lone go of things...that we ride the cradle to grave train as lonesome doves. Rather, it appears that the strength and vitality we gather from recognizing our own sail and paddle, provide the range, the vision, and the world view, to get outside our own needs and engage the needs of others.

When he feels the aches and pain of age, or the struggle of the current economic environment, both personal, and more broadly its effect on those close to him, he is reminded of those others, those without recognizable faces, who struggle with pain, fear, and fork to fork survival all the time. Perhaps we are gaining some much needed empathy.

Equally as important is the thought that once we accept our own direction, one rooted in acceptance and conviction, we become then able to engage, encourage, and contribute to others. Those same others we have been depending on and blaming all along. We simply exchange dependence and blame for acceptance and responsibility.

And from this we may gravitate to a stronger and more intimate local and universal community.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No one to depend on....and no one to blame

Back from Oregon and a few thoughts are weaving through his mind.

No one to depend on.....and no one to blame.

This statement raises many questions. But what feelings take rise in you when you read it?......when it seeps in.

There are times when the the concept of dependence surfaces, upon the death of your last parent, or the failure of a business or job that provided a long enduring sense of identity. And then again, on a higher notch along the actualization totem pole, the removal of co-dependence can be uplifting, eh?

But dependability.....that sinks in deep. Because if and when we accept the idea that no one can be completely dependable, and in fact we are the only ones who we can completely depend on, good or bad...its all good. The balance of our relationships typically take off on a higher plane at that point, allowing us to really engage them, and enjoy the sweetness of the individual.

And yes.....blaming is a way to offset the fear of this personal discovery. When we fear that we may not "have what we need" only makes sense to blame something or someone other than our selves. The blame stops here.

Seems pretty simple really. We have this path we are moving about, often to slow for our liking, other times a bit out of control. We need to simply accept ourselves as the pilot, using our skills and traits to navigate the direction, knowing that the guidance and assistance provided by others is invaluable, yet undependable in its entirety, and never worthy or receptive of blame.

Buck up's a ride.

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