It all depends on the lagging karma or forthcoming spirit you bring to each moment of travel. As much as the world is steeped in goodness, it harbors nearly as much evil.
By goodness he intends to imply those deeds and experiences by life loving folks with an agenda that begins and ends with the common good of all of us. And by evil he rejects consideration of some sinister underworld (though certainly real) and rather employs caution to the deeply self serving component of the species with little or no consciousness for others.
As we walk the streets and into the minds and hearts of our fellow humans we are reminded and encouraged to welcome it all, with little or no resistance, until, and only when our reasoning takes over and our survival requires flight. The purpose of this attempt is clear; any reluctance to engage our circumstances actually increase the negative energy around us, making us more vulnerable.
Fear is the main culprit. Fear of losing our money, safety, or sanity come to mind. Fear is to a certain extent natural, but to a greater extent it can be contrived. The cultural nuances, stories from other travelers, past experiences, all converge and conspire to rob you of the experience you deserve. One must be willing to listen to the gut (intuition) and overwhelm the fear with persistence and good spirit. This boundless spirit often deflects and neutralizes those with ill-wishes, causing them to steer clear as a result of their own fear. Fear of the living human spirit.
These unknown and random experiences can cause an unusual sense of euphoria. You may find yourself buying beers for your fellow companions. You may discover that you can sing. But with little doubt you will feel the goodness weaving its way through all of us. Our common language.
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