Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No one to depend on....and no one to blame

Back from Oregon and a few thoughts are weaving through his mind.

No one to depend on.....and no one to blame.

This statement raises many questions. But what feelings take rise in you when you read it?......when it seeps in.

There are times when the the concept of dependence surfaces, upon the death of your last parent, or the failure of a business or job that provided a long enduring sense of identity. And then again, on a higher notch along the actualization totem pole, the removal of co-dependence can be uplifting, eh?

But dependability.....that sinks in deep. Because if and when we accept the idea that no one can be completely dependable, and in fact we are the only ones who we can completely depend on, good or bad...its all good. The balance of our relationships typically take off on a higher plane at that point, allowing us to really engage them, and enjoy the sweetness of the individual.

And yes.....blaming is a way to offset the fear of this personal discovery. When we fear that we may not "have what we need"....it only makes sense to blame something or someone other than our selves. The blame stops here.

Seems pretty simple really. We have this path we are moving about, often to slow for our liking, other times a bit out of control. We need to simply accept ourselves as the pilot, using our skills and traits to navigate the direction, knowing that the guidance and assistance provided by others is invaluable, yet undependable in its entirety, and never worthy or receptive of blame.

Buck up folks....life's a ride.

Please feel free to e-mail a comment to chasingthecenterline@gmail.com