Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new path....

Looking for that elusive meaningful work, eh? Like many, you may be have been thinking that even before this skid, crash, and burn in the world’s economic engine. And now, more than ever, you think since the peak in our times may be behind us, why not settle in do something that “makes more of a difference” than paying the bank, and secretly grinning about your imaginary credit rating.

This mindset, flowing richly about the boomer cafĂ©’s, falls somewhere between volunteering service and a lower paying “less corporate” occupation. Non-Profits sound righteous enough. Once thought of as a haven for those falling a few credits short of a degree, now have gained prominence in the search.

Yet, one is left to wonder what we all have to do? What is needed and what is just as soon to be relic of the “consumption age.” Remember back just a few years ago when the consumer was so heavily praised for keeping the economy afloat? We should have seen this coming. Some did.

What skills do we have that we have over-looked or forgotten about? And how can those skills be applied to the benefit of the community at large? Take a minute and think up a different resume for your self- one that resumes where you left off when you became so engaged in becoming engorged on all the wants masquerading as needs.

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