It always seemed that regardless of the circumstances we must attempt to keep our feet firmly planted on the rock. This foundation of our being can at times be shaken by events and poor decisions, but still it gives us a place to stay afloat and search out a way of stabilizing the world around us.
Recent generations have over time allowed that rock to be an island, an individual’s base of reference. We are all clinging to our own foothold and looking about as others slip off theirs and bob downstream, perhaps looking for a hand…..out.
The strong economic culture we have lived through provided the impetus to break off on our own, without much concern for the collective community. This sense of community gone is now what thinkers believe will be the most significant result of this current shifting of the economic plates beneath us.
Furthermore, perhaps the concept of hoarding doomsday provisions is an extension of the “go it alone” philosophy that laid the ground work for this self-centrist society that is currently squeezing out the marrow from most of us, if not all before it’s over. We have forgotten that not only are we all historically and irrevocably linked, but the economic system that has brought us all this false success is also completely dependent on our continued cooperation. And that seems irrational going forward.
There will be migration. This will occur naturally of course based on changing climes. But this is not the pursuit of comfort and golf so desired by the snowbirds of Arizona and Florida, but rather to cheapen the cost of existence. But these costs can be reduced and the value of our lives increased if we can just be smart about it.
Community, collective thinking and living are not communal, though some will gravitate to that. Actually it simply involves a change in mindset that considers the resources as common and the success of the community more vital than the individual.
Un -American? Maybe…..but not un-Early American, or for that matter not un-Native American.
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