Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Drifting’, drifting’, drifting’ away….got move on but something’s still in my way.

Change of life decisions do just that. And therein lays the secret. Without the will…you will never find your way. There is a moment, often when the conscious slips below the reality radar and the dream begins to emerge. Trusting that moment is the key for so many of us, as it is so easy to lace up your boots and spend another day in the same tracks, denying the voice.

Of course there are no promises in life. Change is simply something else. But that ‘something’ can be the difference to a life lived, or one pondering the potential. When we lean further ahead in the saddle we have a tendency to forget what is left behind and gravitate toward creating something out of the next step. Each new step presents opportunities to challenge ourselves and making the intrinsic value of the change more meaningful.

He remembers pulling his packed truck alongside the river, the river that had been cutting the rock out of this canyon forever, and watching his woman sobbing uncontrollably upon one of the rocks, fearful of the great change waiting up in the mountains in their yet unseen rented cabin. The rush of the river, and large billowy clouds overhead, only added dizziness to her confusion.

However, he had a strong conviction in the cross country migration, and she believed in him. And now years later, she still shares the stories with people along her own life path, because it represents her belief in herself. Her willingness to try.

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