Monday, February 8, 2010

Hidden values....

Arising from the confluence of mental and physical exhaustive interplay, are the faint glimmerings of our hidden values.

It is not easy to get yourself into this position, this state of mind…..and space on the planet. But when it occurs, and he has little doubt you have been there, perhaps in some yoga class, or in the last pew of a cathedral, or mid-way on a long driveway of deep wet snow with a rhythmic shovel, that you see and feel the past dissolve and the future blur, leaving you with only the next step, as it occurs, to claim as yours.

When we are void of the constant and considerate encouragement of ourselves, reflected back by the needy mirrors around us, and are able to leave the door shut for a spell, we are in a position to observe the veiled core. Not always a pretty sight. Residing there amongst others are fear and doubt. If we maintain the delusion long enough we will simply pass through this life possibly unscathed, yet without any real clarity.

After a while he lost complete track or sense of his location. He had been walking face to the ground for a couple hours to avoid the wind and occasional sleet. From under his hood he could simply make out the next boot pulverizing the snow to compaction before he lifted it through the air for the next crushing print.

Relaxed now, moving without thought, he discovered the magic interaction our minds have with the body. The body will listen and respond in an almost unyielding way, to the directions of a calm and undistracted mind. The moment is brief, but of considerable value.

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