When we think of glaciers melting, we think of back then. When we think of the great wars, the real wars, we think of those. A culture shift clearly happened in the 1960’s. History, as we are taught, is revealing, but by definition, after the fact. Yet all history, geologic, political, and cultural, we can agree, occurred moment by moment. Were humans aware of the transitions at the moment? Was there a clock tick when some one of us thought, “I am seeing and feeling change.” Most certainly, just not in mass scale, one must surmise.
However, if evolution is true to our understanding, we may have adapted technologically and cognitively to the speed of change. If you accept that as given for a moment, and are willing to trust the best science available, your intuitive nature, as well as the ability to wade through a nearly inexhaustible amount of information available at your fingertips; then just possibly we imagine, even see and feel, a significant shift occurring, at this moment.
“So what,” you say. That’s true, so what. Well, it appears that this evolutionary adaptation you accepted above momentarily, is why this all matters. We cannot accept the validity of science, the great works done in the name of our gods, the slow but steady rising of human consciousness, and not realize that we can affect and shape our existence through awareness and action.

If any of this is true, we can recognize this time as an opportunity to allow our behavior to cultivate the planet and shift the culture, in line with reason, and not simply the endless “wants” of the human condition.
Or perhaps not.
Or perhaps not.