Resistance plays a role in three aspects of road travel. Even with significant anticipation and preparation, the first three days away often generate a sense of resistance to letting go and relaxing. One might conclude after consideration that this occurs because of the routines that we perform daily, almost unconsciously, and the detachment is difficult for the mind and heart.
During those first three days he may not be as quick to laugh or worse yet, to force a laugh as a result of resisting the freedom now available. He may find he is more aware of his cell phone there in his jeans pocket. His sleep pattern is affected. He might be thinking that today is garbage day. Trust me, this all wears away after the third day.
Secondly, if the travel takes him to unknown lands and people, he may experience what many describe as culture shock, which is another form that resistance can take. He always attempts to have some time in the hills before this occurs to assimilate and adjust, hoping to bring forward a calm and content heart to his interactions with others. Excessive drinking can speed this process.

By now one is beginning to enjoy the full spectrum of time on the road. As he digs out a calendar he realizes that there are only three days till he re-enters his daily life. Here in lies the greatest sense of resistance. Once you are in the flow of travel, resisting the inevitable return can be disconcerting. First the thought of extending the trip occurs, along with the inevitable sense that this life could be permanent. A constant nomad.
Returning occurs and is quickly embraced. Life is good with those you love. The trip needs to be shared, and future trips planned. And of course the garbage needs to go out today.