Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reversing course.....

A current read has him thinking about plans, opinions, and the strength to change direction in the face of new information. History has shown us though, that when there’s no turning back, you move forward.

A sophisticated plan was in place and the men waited eagerly for their moment. New technological advances in weaponry allowed the British to fire at will from a considerable and safe distance. Once bombardment of German trenches and fortified bunkers was complete, these young British volunteers would charge across “no-man’s land” gallantly and with well documented enthusiasm and cheer. This was the preamble to the Battle of Somme, in July, 1916.

England’s best young men signed on in droves and trained in a tradition that translated unpleasant realities into romantic ideals, with promises of glorious sacrifice, great marches, and the “greatest of all adventures.”

Once the wave of bombardment ceased, and before the shield of smoke had cleared, soldiers jumped out of their trenches with intentions of driving the Germans off French soil. As word returned quickly to the brass, that not only had they miscalculated on the distances to the German trenches, but even the protective barb wire fence line was still in place.

The physical laws of inertia aside, men set in motion with conviction are not easily withdrawn. The attack would continue as planned. So wave after wave of young cheering men ran through the smoke and into well positioned German machine gun fire.

20,000 men were killed in the opening minutes of the battle. 412,000 men died in all.